Saturday, 24 December 2016

The phenomenon of 'Om Om Telolet' Turns Starting from Here

Jakarta - Community origin Bismania said bus horn telolet of Saudi Arabia and brought employers otobus (PO) Indonesia here. In Indonesia, telolet horn was installed in the bus fleet to provide hallmark. "So about 2002-2004 years ago, our owner, Teuku Erry Rubihamsyah say interested horn sound that exist in Arab countries (Saudi) there for a bus or truck horn large vehicle, no detailed story heck yes, briefly attracted by the horn, try purchased and brought to Indonesia mounted on his bus, as it was, "said Commercial Manager PO Efficiency, Syukron Wahyudi when to detikINET, Thursday (12/22/2016). To be sure, he added, consists of three original horn with sound funnel te-lo-let which when squeezed sounder long-telolet telolet. When the early bus telolet mounted horn, many people respond negatively. "A lot of people responded negatively in particular daeerah, our driver point for the telolet not honk, honk the bus standard only," he explained. However, apparently penchant society has changed since the last 4 years. The telolet horn favored, residents honked even asked it. "It's almost in every area too close to schools are usually children who ask. Anyway there is a school asking each rung, children waved it in the area of ​​our regular bus lines Cilacap, Yogyakarta, Purwokerto," he explained. Now, he added, all of the bus fleet efficiency, about 60 units have a standard two types of horn. One type of manufacturer's standard horn and horn telolet. "On the Efficiency telolet horns so typical of us. Owner kepengin there is a characteristic, so in other buses we bought it and plugging in our fleet," he explained. Telolet horn at PO Efficiency imported from Saudi Arabia with the price of the equipment over 5 million. However, he added, there is local production of horns telolet that the equipment ranges from 3 million to the bottom. Not only the horn, since 5-6 years ago, PO Efficiency also has a city bus mascot named "Tolelot". Company Otobus of this phenomenon of 'Om Om Telolet' BermulaFoto: Tolelot, bus mascot PO Efficiency (Photo: FB PO Efficiency) "Mascot Tolelot about 5-7 years, taken from the word" Tole "of the Java language, which means the boys. That idea appears more to these children if for example he boarded the bus always have the words" le kene not lap wae "equal his mother, "added Syukron. From the message "kene le (tole) no lap wae" then comes the word "Tolelot". "Tole, the lot was lengthened course. The shape of small children (mascot)," he explained. Earlier, Chairman of the Community Bismania Arief Setiawan explained, sound telolet representing bus horn actually first appeared not in Indonesia, but the Middle East. The sound was used to ward off the camel who often were in the streets. Then, there is a businessman who heard the distinctive sound and bring 'home' to Indonesia for use as a bus horn. "(Beep) telolet was actually originally from the Middle East to ngusir camel. In Arabic if I am not mistaken. Then, to my knowledge there used to be a businessman, hear the sound of it installed in the bus. But then it's not much use telolet. Not so viral kan, "said Arief told AFP on Thursday (12/22/2016). (NWK / rou)


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